Flickr.Net Source Release 1.3

Well after the last upload of source code I finally managed to work out how to log into dragnet, the bug tracker, and discovered a load of bugs had been logged. Damn! (Login as “guest”/”guest”)

So I fixed all the changes and am releasing this new version as 1.3.

Download Latest Version.

Nothing major in this release.

What’s Next

Well don’t know if you’re aware but Flickr are changing the authentication mechanism for us API users, so I’ve got quite a bit of work to do to get the Flickr.Net library up and running. Thats my next task.


Flickrwall – Flickr Project in Newcastle

A while ago I took a photo of a bit of chalked graffiti in Newcastle. There is an old alley (one of a pair) that leads off Pilgrim Street and down to Carliol Square. The chalk graffiti reads “Secret Entrance”, with an arrow. Aside from the fact that the alley provides a perhaps little know short cut there is (as far as we can tell) no secret entrance to be found. There is an old gated door further down the alley but this is less of a secret, and more of a mess.

 Secret Entrance
Secret Entrance

Secure Rubbish
Not Very Secret Entrance

Since I uploaded this photo a group of mad newcastle residents have taken this alley, and its chalkyness to their hearts. From what started as my own secret alley has now become a haven for random scribbles and flickr-esque nonsense.

I blame this man!

Since the day he first posted, suggesting that other Flickrites should add their own contributions things have not been the same. The wall is now awash with glib graffiti of the most nerdy type, with flickr names being banded about with little regard for anyones safety.

So far we have the following namechecks (in no particular order): brendada, babyspark, Gentilelikeafrog, Failed Hetrosexual, mafleen, Akuppa, and most recently snood. I’m fairly sure more have, or will soon add to the wall as well.

Some pictures of progress so far on the wall:

New Game
Two games of Noughts and Crosses (By various players)

Someone spotted Pig 2,982
A Pig (by Akuppa)


We even have our own on-going mystery – a photo of someone taking a photo of the flickrwall, and we still don’t know who it is…

Secret Snapper

Well enought from me, if you live in Newcastle come down and chalk (we leave some hidden nearby), otherwise just enjoy our small slice of Flickr community.

Flickr.Net Source Release 1.2

Well I’ve finally got around to releasing the next packaged version of the Flickr Source.

Download Latest Version.

It features lots of changes including:

* POST methods – meaning methods which change things now work
* LastRequest property details last url sent
* FlushCache to delete cache details, either entire or per url (used with above to delete last request)
* GetCachePictures – provides information about already downloaded images – then simply use DownloadPicture to get the data from the cache
* new methods, such as PhotosetsAddPhoto (I think I’ve got them all in here now, let me know if any are missing).
* CacheTimeout and CacheSizelimit variables for managing the cache in a bit more detail (CacheSizeLimit is in bytes, defaults to 50MB).

I’ll try and post some example code using the above at a later date, but for now I’m off to finish off the screensaver.


REPL for C#

Don Box wrote a little program which gives you a little command line c# intepreter. Unfortunately he wrote it for .net 2 beta so I tried to rewrite it for .net 1.1.

Things went fairly well, and I have a basic interpreter, unfortunately I think due to the lack of anonymous function support the Invoke command doesn’t work.

You simply need to remove the System.Collections.Generic line from the top (don’t know why its there anyway) and change the following line:

ICodeCompiler compiler = CodeDomProvider.CreateProvider(“C#”).CreateCompiler();


ICodeCompiler compiler = new Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider().CreateCompiler();

If anyone has any ideas on how to get support for methods and other features (like a simple for loop for example) that would be great.

Trackback Translation needed…

I get various trackbacks for the Flickr Screensaver posts. but quite a few seem to be almost identical posts on different web site.

Unfortunately they are in Chinese (or japanese, I don’t even know the difference!).

So if anyone would like to translate this page and let me know what it says I’d be grateful… (Lazyweb anyone?)

FlickrScreensaver feedback

“A gentleman put it together” – quoting Major Nelson in recent blogcast.

Yes, you heard right, Major Nelson (Xbox Live Director of Programming, Larry Hyrb) uses the Flickr Screensaver.

On that note I’m trying to get some feedback on the screensaver. I’m very near to doing a new release, with some interesting new features.

The number one requested feature is for a shorter time between pictures. Currently the minimum time between photos is 1 minute. I’m considering reducing this, to say 15 second intervals.

I have noted all feedback in the comments and its all been good.

Thoughts, or other comments welcome.

Users of the Flickr.Net API

We’ve just had a few people release software which uses the Flickr.Net API Library – hurray!

If you have an application that uses the Flickr.Net API Library let me know and I’ll list it here. Need help with testing, need a new feature or any other feedback then let me know.

Flickr Papr

mikecpeck‘s application Flickr Papr that creates wallpaper collages of images on Flickr is live again.

Find it here:


Want to copy stuff from your windows clipboard straight to Flickr. Look no further that stevex‘s Clipr application.

Find it here:
Discuss it here:


Regularaly change your dekstop wallpaper to an image from Flickr using this .Net application. Unfortunately it currently requires the .Net Framework 2.0 beta – although a 1.1 version is in the pipeline.

Download and Discuss:


Update: Glimmr is a simple Flickr Uploader for the GNOME desktop. It uses the Flickr.Net together with Mono/C#! Amazing!


Flickr Screensaver 3.2

Finally – a new version.

My web hosting has been down for a while so I haven’t been bale to post for while.

New Feature:

Authorization: enter your email address and password to give access to private groups and images.
Contacts: display the last 50 (API limit I’m afraid) photos from your contact.
Description: display the title and user at the bottom of the screen for each image.

It shoudn’t crash when my web server goes down in the future (if anyone has been having that problem I apologise).

[Download File](/flickr/flickr-screensaver)