Firefox users more likely to rock climb!

rock-climbing.pngExclusive: Mozilla Secretly Launches A Viral Campaign For Firefox

Techcrunch is reporting on an interesting video released by Mozilla about Firefox. Apparently Firefox users are 139% more likely to be rock climbers.

Well I’m a rock climber and I use Firefox. Mmm, must be true as its on the internet!

View the video direct on YouTube.

Also, in a similar vein, Firefox users are apparently 13% more likely to have purchased Classic Rock in the last 3 months.

Helping out on the Wrox forums

Wrox ProfileSince I started working as the technical editor for the XSLT 2.0 and XPath 2.0 reference book I thought I’d try my hand at helping out on the Wrox Programmer to Programmer (P2P for short) forums.

When I first started out I was a ‘Starting Member’ but soon progressed to ‘New Member’.

Not long after that I noticed I’d gone up in status to ‘Junior Member’, which I actually found to be slightly condescending! I’m 33, I’m hardly a junior anything anymore.

Now however I’ve just passed the 200 post mark and I’m now a plain ‘Member’, although I do get 3 funky red stars to my name.

My Wrox Forums profile

I help out mostly on the XSLT forum, but I’ve been straying onto the C# and C# 2005 forums of late too. I find the post volume is about right for me to not get overloaded – compared to the Microsoft Forums where I can barely keep up. Luckily the Microsoft forums has a helpful ‘answered’ feature, so you can easily see which posts still need help.

However for some reason sometimes when I click on the ‘Reply’ button it logs me out – very annoying.

Overall though I find helping out others useful as makes me think about the way I work, plus I try to write my proposed solutions in a way that they should hopefully learn a little without just writing out the answer for them. Its the way I would want to be answered.

Still, the most annoying thing is those questions where the answer is on the first page of the results I find when I search google. Is it just laziness do you think? My typical response to these is now just “Google is your friend”.

Official ASP.NET MVC framework – CTP release in ‘next few weeks’

News about the recently previewed Model-View-Controller framework for ASP.Net is that a first look Community Technology Preview is due out in a few weeks.

It will form part of the ASP.Net Futures release, which is a product I had a quick look at recently, and includes some wonderful stuff on Dynamic Forms.

For an overview of what the ASP.Net MVC will do there is a recording of a presentation Scott Hanselman did recently here, as well as an overview of the framework by Scott Guthrie here (if you’re not subscribed to Scott’s blog yet then why not – he provides some of the most concise yet informationful (is that a word?) blog posts imaginable about ASP.Net and associated technologies).

It seems likely that the next release of the ASP.Net Futures will be released soon after Visual Studio 2008 and .Net Framework 3.5, which are both due out before the end of November, so we shouldn’t have long to wait.

Official ASP.NET MVC framework will have first CTP release in ‘next few weeks’ « codeville

Other MVC frameworks do exist for .Net, such as MonoRail from the Castle Project. I haven’t had a chance to look at this, but it appears to be an attempt at a port of Ruby on Rails like functionality into the .Net environment.

Implementing extension methods to XSLT in .Net

Most XSLT processors contain methods to call custom methods (known as extension methods) written in your favourite programming language similar to macros or robotic process automation that people use on their work to make the process easier. Java XSLT processors allow you to write them in Java, and the old MSXML processor allowed you to write the in VBScript or Javascript.

The new .Net Framework classes XslTransform (or more recently XslCompiledTransform) allows you to write them in any .Net language.

But how do you implement these? Well there are two methods you can choose from, read more below the break:

Continue reading “Implementing extension methods to XSLT in .Net”

.NET Rocks! in Tyne & Where?

.Net Rocks MousematAfter trying to catch up on the .Net Rocks shows (great shows for .Net deveopers – you learn things you didn’t even know you needed to know, and some things you didn’t need to know) I couldn’t believe it when the winner of their latest competition was from Tyne & Wear. Only problem is they had no idea how to pronounce Wear! So they said it like Where! I laughed so much it hurt :)

And for those who don’t know, its pronounced like were, or weir (as in a step in a river, which its named after, two rivers here in the north east of England called the River Tyne and the River Wear.