Flickr Uploadr for Mobile Devices

OK, I’ve written a Flickr Uploader using the .Net Compact Framework 2.0 (SP1).

I don’t actually have a pocket PC or similar device so if you have any success, or problems then let me know.

You can download the redistributable for the CF here.

Copy the Cab file to your mobile device and then double click it in the File Explorer.

[tags]compact framework, .net, programming[/tags]

17 Replies to “Flickr Uploadr for Mobile Devices”

  1. I have a Pocket PC 6700 and I installed the application but I am getting the an error message that says that I need a newer version of the Compact framework, this PPC 6700 that I currently have is running mobile 5.0 is there another update I need to get

  2. You need the Compact Framework 2.0, Service Pack 1 (the service pack is important). Follow the link above to get the latest version.

    Let me know if that works.

  3. Now if you can make a version that works on WM5 smartphones, I’ll be really impressed. I did try on my (work) O2 XDA IQ (which is the same thing as an Orange SPV C600, i-Mate SP5 and a few others), but got some very rude errors which I can’t recall at present[1]

    I did try posting them at the time, but I think your spam filter might have eaten the comment. Either that or my work connection died half way through.

    [1] Work phone turned off until January 2 :)

  4. I think that is just a matter of different package – you have to sign Smartphone CAB files I believe, but if it is signed it doen’t work on pocket PC (go figure!).

    The files are on my PC at work, so no update on this till the new year!

  5. Hi,
    Would you mind posting an example of how to use the Flickr API in a Windows Mobile application? I’m not asking for your entire source code to your Flickr uploader, but just an example of how to get started using it in Mobile development.



  6. Just tried it on Dell Axim X51V and it works mostly. The Freinds and Family options don’t take effect. If I set a pic as private it is private on flickr but if I set freinds or family or both it comes out public!

  7. Hey Sam, having some issues getting code deployed to my mobile device (Smartphone SPV e200, WM5). As soon as I have a reference to the FlickrNet API it tries to deploy every DLL that is in any way referenced from within the API. This is a) time consuming, b) causing it to run out of space, and c)Giving me a Coulndn’y Load Type FlickrNet exception on those occasions that it does finish deploying without error.
    I’m running CF2.0 sp1 and have successfully installed and run your mobile uploader so it is fundamentally compatible.
    This is my first foray into writing for mobile devices so teething problems are expected ;-)
    My current venture is to tie in the inbuilt GPS features of the phone with the Flickr geosearching. So far I have a working proof of concept running on my desktop but have been unable to push it to the darned phone.
    Hints, tips, suggestions, etc. all gratefully received.

  8. Hey Sam, having some issues getting code deployed to my mobile device (Smartphone SPV e200, WM5). As soon as I have a reference to the FlickrNet API it tries to deploy every DLL that is in any way referenced from within the API. This is a) time consuming, b) causing it to run out of space, and c)Giving me a Couldn’t Load Type FlickrNet exception on those occasions that it does finish deploying without error.
    I’m running CF2.0 sp1 and have successfully installed and run your mobile uploader so it is fundamentally compatible.
    This is my first foray into writing for mobile devices so teething problems are expected ;-)
    My current venture is to tie in the inbuilt GPS features of the phone with the Flickr geosearching. So far I have a working proof of concept running on my desktop but have been unable to push it to the darned phone.
    Hints, tips, suggestions, etc. all gratefully received.

  9. You can’t use the released FlickrNet.dll – you need one compiled for use with the Compact Framework.

    Having an issue with the source code at the moment, so either download the above CAB and extract the DLL from that, or get the source and roll your own would be best.

  10. Hi Sam,
    Great software, this is the one I wanted for so long after I stopped using Resco Photo Viewer.

    I have problem using it as I’m getting error after click on Complete Authentication.

    The error is:
    “An unexpected error has occured in FlickrCFUploadr.exe. Select Quit and then restart this program, or select Details for more information.”

  11. Can you please reupload the cab? It gives me a “File ‘FlickrUploadCF.CAB’ not found in database.” Also do you know if it would handle Yahoo authentication or does it just work only with a Flickr account? Thanks.

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