You might have noticed that the site has had a bit of a facelife. For a while now I’ve been meaning to give it an overhaul, and make it easier to update.
Things I’ve done:
- Made templates wider.
- Used amazon web services to get keywork and browse based item links
- Added google ads at the bottom of the page
- Created my own PHP base web service (using NuSOAP) to allow me to write a .Net application to manage my walks and blog posts (Moveable Type API) (this is partially completed – walks are done – blogs aren’t).
- Created above noted app for managing walks database, written in .Net with some nice looking custom controls.
Things still need to be done:
- I’d love to make the whole site run off one template – at the moment its 4, 1 in Dreamweaver for the walks, 1 for the index page and 1 each for the category and article pages.
- Complete the above .Net application to cover blog editing
- Add some caching to the above app, as at the moment it pulls a big list from the web each time it starts and slows everything down, probably churning my bandwidth as well)
- Maybe improve the amazon keyword searches based on some info from each post – might be interesting :D
I think I’ll share some of the stuff I’m doing above later, specifically the .Net MoveableType class library and the amazon php soap client code, but both need a bit of tidying up first (especially the MoveableType bit).