We’ve just had a few people release software which uses the Flickr.Net API Library – hurray!
If you have an application that uses the Flickr.Net API Library let me know and I’ll list it here. Need help with testing, need a new feature or any other feedback then let me know.
Flickr Papr
mikecpeck‘s application Flickr Papr that creates wallpaper collages of images on Flickr is live again.
Find it here: http://flickrdotnet.wdevs.com/flickrpapr.
Want to copy stuff from your windows clipboard straight to Flickr. Look no further that stevex‘s Clipr application.
Find it here: http://www.stevex.org/clipr
Discuss it here: http://flickr.com/groups/topic/20030/
Regularaly change your dekstop wallpaper to an image from Flickr using this .Net application. Unfortunately it currently requires the .Net Framework 2.0 beta – although a 1.1 version is in the pipeline.
Download and Discuss: http://flickr.com/groups/topic/20008/
Update: Glimmr is a simple Flickr Uploader for the GNOME desktop. It uses the Flickr.Net together with Mono/C#! Amazing!
Download: http://glimmr.sourceforge.net/
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