Had a bit of a nerd overload yesterday when I came across this podcast recorded at the recent ComicCon in San Diago.
I’ve been a huge fan of Wil Wheaton for ages, and followed his blog and even bought one of his books. I’ve loved his small rolls in Big Bang Theory and Criminal Minds, not to mention that Stand By Me is one of my favourite films (probably behind Shawshank Redemption, Casablanca and The Princess Bride, but still top 10!).
And I’ve been a huge Doctor Who fan my entire life (Peter Davidson before you ask, although obviously David Tennant will go down in history as awesome).
So to have Wil, Matt and Karen in one room must have been awesome to see. A total geek out. Oh, and they had a Muppet Moffat!
Oh, and did you know that young Amy Pond was played by Karen Gillian’s cousin! So cool.[1]
Photos here on the BBC America web site:Â http://blogs.bbcamerica.com/anglophenia/2011/07/24/doctor-who-stars-matt-smith-karen-gillan-on-the-nerdist-live-photos/#32
[1] This would have been a footnote, but I don’t do footnotes so it’s not.